SST-CCW Visiting Research Fellowship Programme
Our Visiting Research Fellows are either senior academics taking a sabbatical from their own institution to study at Oxford, or practitioners, including senior members of the armed forces, international organisations and NGOs, Civil Servants, and Diplomats.
During their time in Oxford, most of our Visiting Research Fellows have an association with Pembroke College. Here they have the opportunity to mix with the Fellows of the College in the Senior Common Room - the beautiful fifteenth-century Broadgates Hall. Founded in 1624, Pembroke counts Samuel Johnson, Sir William Blackstone, and James Smithson among its alumni. More recent distinguished members include Senators Fulbright and Lugar.
Our VRFs often join the Centre prior to taking up a major new appointment, using their time with us to develop their thinking, broadening their understanding, and engaging with respected academic specialists. In other cases, senior visitors have had the opportunity, through SST-CCW, to articulate and test their ideas, and obtain rigorous feedback. Staff of SST-CCW and colleagues from the University of Oxford offer one to one bespoke mentoring Visiting Research Fellows of the Centre.
Visiting Research Fellows to CCW are drawn from across the academic and professional worlds, with senior officers of the United States, European and United Kingdom armed forces especially strongly represented. For their time with us, they become members of the college and the university, enjoying all the opportunities and facilities we can offer to study and build networks.
SST-CCW welcomes applications from outstanding individuals for its long-running and successful Visiting Fellowship Programme. Visiting Research Fellows (VRFs) are members of the Centre for one academic year, or a portion of it, as either one or two terms (thus a range of 3 to 12 months). While not enrolled on a formal degree course, and as such do not gain any recognised qualification from the university, they engage with one or more of the Centre’s research themes and receive individual support to do so. The subject of their research is submitted as a proposal to the Director. The VRF then works on this specific project during their time in Oxford, and is able to meet with academics working in related fields, make use of the libraries and facilities, and attend SST-CCW events. They also have the opportunity to have a paper, article, chapter, or a book reviewed by other members of the Centre and will be able to engage in weekly research seminars with other scholars, visiting professionals, and Fellows.
Fees are £1400 (academic rate) or £3800 (practitioner rate) per term. Please note that there are 3 terms per year.
Visiting Fellows are entitled to a named supervisor and three individualised support sessions per term if paying the practitioner rate. The capacity of the Centre to provide this support will be taken into consideration in making an offer.
Visiting Fellows are asked to submit a copy of their research paper at the end of the fellowship period.
Research Areas
Applications are encouraged from a wide range of subjects to reflect the changing character of war, including but not limited to:
Strategic leaders and statecraft
New Tech in engineering or physics, espcially in warfare: robotics, hypersonics, drone operations
Mathematics, computer science: cyber security, applications of generative artificial intelligence and information operations, applications of quantum computing
Submarine warfare
Strategy & operations
Maritime, air, and space defence and design
Area specialists: Russia, China, Iran, North Korea
Strategic coercion, confrontation, and nuclear deterrence
Military-Industrial Complexes
All Visiting Fellowships must be approved by the Director and by the College, and applications are considered once a term. Each application will be considered on its own academic merit and the capacity of the Centre to offer appropriate supervision and support.
Please submit an application form including a research proposal (c.1,000 words) together with your CV/resume and two letters of reference to the Centre Administrator. The research proposal should specify the expected output of the research (for example, a journal article, or part of a book project) as well as how the project relates to the Centre’s current research priorities. Please ensure that the outcome is achievable in the length of time available for the fellowship.
Visiting Fellowships are for a duration of at least one term and at most three terms, in the first instance. Extensions are granted in exceptional circumstances, but support will be offered in vacation periods wherever available.
Applications must be approved by the Director and the College.
Offers are made based on a CV/resume and a written proposal of 1000 words for a viable project with a specific output. No interview is required, but advice can be sought from the Director or members of SST-CCW informally.
The proposal must relate to current research themes of the Centre.
Candidates should have a doctorate or 5 years’ equivalent professional experience. Professionals are usually at a minimum of OF5, or Junior Director level if from the private sector, with many of our Fellows being Flag Officers, Directors, or Associate Professors and Professors.
Two reference letters should be provided at time of application.
We regret that students at other institutions cannot be considered because of the regulations of the University of Oxford.
Application Deadlines
For fellowships commencing in October 2024, submit as soon as possible and by 1 July 2024
For fellowships commencing in January 2025, submit by 23 September 2024
For fellowships commencing in April 2024, submit by 2 January 2024
You are welcome to apply early for a deferred arrival. If you miss a deadline, please get in contact as we may be able arrange an extra review panel.