Where next for conflict research? What issues should scholars of conflict and peace be focusing on, and how should they go about researching them?
Two Oxford scholars will discuss the state of the field of peace and conflict studies and new research currently taking place at Oxford. John Gledhill will discuss his forthcoming research that maps the field of peace and conflict studies and identifies ways in which it can be reformed and taken forward. Hannah Smidt will talk about the Changing Character of Conflict Platform, a new inter-disciplinary research project based at Oxford that explores changes in conflict along five dimensions: the actors involved, the impact on civilians, the environments in which conflict takes place, the methods used and the resources that drive conflict.
Draft Programme available here
This round-table is part of a graduate workshop on conflict dynamics, held at Nuffield College on 20-21 September 2017. For more information about the workshop, please contact nicholas.barker@nuffield.ox.ac.uk
The event is open to the Oxford community but registration is essential. If you would like to attend this event, please email nicholas.barker@nuffield.ox.ac.uk