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Expanding the European Defense Technological Industrial Base for Deterrence by Matthew Boyce

  • Old Library, All Souls Oxford OX1 4AL United Kingdom (map)

Tuesday 29 April, 13.30
Old Library, All Souls

Expanding the European Defense Technological Industrial Base for Deterrence

Matthew Boyce, US Navy and SST- CCW

How does Europe plan to defend itself amidst constrained resources and geopolitical uncertainty?  This presentation explores the fundamental role of the European Defense Technological Industrial Base (EDTIB) in providing materiel for a sustainable and credible deterrent, analyzing its status and challenges, assessing initiatives in progress, and providing potential options for policymakers.

Commander Boyce is the 2024-2025 US Navy Hudson Fellow at St Antony’s College and a visiting research fellow at SST-CCW. He graduated from the United States Naval Academy where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. He holds a Master of Arts in Defense and Strategic Studies from the US Naval War College and a Master of Arts in International Relations from the University of Belgrade.

Commander Boyce’s operational sea duty includes assignment as a naval aviator to multiple helicopter sea combat squadrons and most recently as the first commanding officer of Fleet Logistics Multi-Mission Squadron FOUR ZERO (VRM-40), the US Navy’s East Coast CMV-22B Tiltrotor squadron, based in Norfolk, Virginia. His shore assignments include Flag Aide to the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations Warfare Systems (OPNAV N9) and 2019 Olmsted Scholar at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Political Science in Belgrade, Serbia.

Seminars at 13.30, Old Library, All Souls
All are welcome, no need to book.